
The Ultimate Guide to Dogging Etiquette – How to Enjoy Dogging Responsibly

When it comes to dogging, there are some simple rules of etiquette that everyone should follow in order to ensure that everyone has a great time. If you learn these rules of dogging etiquette, and follow them every time you go dogging, then you will find yourself having an enjoyable experience every time you visit a dogging site in your local area! Here are some of the most important rules of dogging etiquette that must be followed in order to ensure a successful night out.

What is dogging?
Dogging is an activity that is enjoyed by thousands of people every day. Whether you’re into voyeurism, exhibitionism or just a casual sex, dogging has something for everyone. It is an activity where all involved have consensual sex in public places with other like-minded adults. The idea behind dogging is that it’s a way of having fun and experiencing new things while at the same time getting a thrill from some risk taking behaviour. Dogging etiquette comes into play when people want to ensure they are having fun and not hurting anyone in the process. When you follow these guidelines, your dogging experience will be both enjoyable and safe!

Always use Protection
It’s very important that you always use protection while dogging and having sex with strangers. The risks of catching a sexually transmitted infection, like HIV and herpes, are real. You can also get other diseases like hepatitis and syphilis if you’re not careful.

Condoms are essential to reduce these risks, so make sure you have plenty on hand! Always remember to be safe when dogging or having sex with strangers as there is no guarantee that everyone will play by the rules. For example, you might meet someone who doesn’t disclose their STD status. That’s why it’s crucial to protect yourself with condoms every time.

Even when the person you meet discloses they are STD-free, this isn’t always true. They may have been recently diagnosed, but haven’t had a test in years. Plus, some STDs don’t show any symptoms until later in life. Protect yourself by using condoms for all your dogging needs and always follow our tips to ensure an enjoyable experience for all parties involved.

Respect Locals – Don’t Go Dogging in Front of Non – Doggers
When you’re with a group of doggers and an angry local comes along, do your best to be respectful and understanding. You don’t know what’s going on in their life or what they’ve been through, so it’s important not to make them feel uncomfortable or incite confrontation.

We don’t want people who aren’t into dogging to feel unwelcome in our community. We want them to see that we’re normal people who like public sex and are very open about it. Our goal is for everyone involved in the dogging scene (both doggers and non-doggers) to have an enjoyable experience, so we need all members of the community (including locals) on board with this way of life.

Keep out of sight of local residents – Don’t go dogging in area where locals regularly walk their dogs, go for Sunday walks or picnics. Unfortunately, there will always be a minority who object to people dogging in public areas, even if they are trying to adhere to the strictest code of dogging etiquette. To avoid confrontation at these locations, always use discretion when picking your spot to stop.

It can be challenging to find somewhere discreet if you have a large group with you since it may seem like there are too many people gathering in one area at any given time; but there will always be someplace where you can go undetected if only two or three cars pull up. Just remember: location is everything!

Respect Other Doggers – Consent is Key
Dogging, like any sexual situation, is a sexual activity that requires consent. As such, it is imperative to respect other doggers and their boundaries. Respect means following the rules set out by others at the meeting which can be simple and straightforward.

For example, you should never approach a couple having sex in a car without asking for permission first, they might just be two people having sex and not doggers. If someone declines your sexual advances, or you don’t get an invitation, you must respect their decision and find somewhere else, or wait until you get a clear invite to join in on the sexual activity.

Respect also means engaging in safe sex practices by using condoms during intercourse or oral sex. You should always practise safe sex and never never assume that unprotected sex is on the cards. The only exception would be if both parties expressly agreed to go bareback, then it’s all good! You should also ensure that before you engage with any partners or strangers, everyone involved understands what they are getting themselves into.

Good behaviour and being polite are also important parts of dogging etiquette. It is essential to be polite, kind and thoughtful while being mindful of the needs of others present. There will inevitably be some diversity among participants so you should make sure to keep your language respectful at all times.

Consider other dogger’s privacy too – although dogging is all about having sex in public, people still have private lives and jobs and may not want their dogging activities exposed, so you should think carefully about recording any dogging activity on your phone and always seek permission first if you wish to film the events.

Respect the Environment – Don’t Litter
Dogging is always an enjoyable outdoors experience, but it’s important to always respect the environment you’re in. This means that you should never leave litter or throw anything into a natural environment like a river or woodland area.

Take your rubbish home with you at the end of each dogging session or dispose of it in a rubbish bin at the dogging site. If you do use a public bin, please double bag items like used condoms and packaging so that there are no traces of the dogging meeting left behind.

Condoms, condom wrappers, empty packets of lube, and wet wipes are all non biodegradable so you should ensure these are disposed of properly; if there is one thing people hate it is littering in the countryside, so it is essential doggers always ensure they leave each dogging site as pristine as they found it.

It is also advisable to avoid drinking any alcohol while dogging, as this will increase your chances of being careless, creating more litter, or having an accident while driving home.

It is also important not to leave any food wrappers around, as these can attract pests such as rats and pollute the habitat for other creatures.

By following these simple rules when out dogging, we can ensure that our enjoyment of public spaces does not spoilt it for others and doggers are not associated with irresponsible users who neglect to clean up after themselves!

Don’t Trespass on Private Property
Did you know that half of England is owned by less than 1% of the population? This means that most sites popular with doggers are actually privately owned, this could be by the Aristocracy and landed gentry, Corporations, National Trust, Farmers, and even the Royal Family! This means that most public sex happens on private land. While trespassing is rarely a major issue, doggers should always be considerate if they are having sex on someone else’s property.

When you are looking for a place to enjoy dogging, it is important that you don’t trespass on any private property, as a mark of respect as much as anything.

It can be tempting when you’re out looking for a spot and see an open field or deserted lot with no one around. But before you park up, get out and explore, or hop over the fence and go exploring, make sure that you are not trespassing on someone’s property.

Not only is it illegal, but if you’re caught by the police or anyone else who doesn’t agree with what you’re doing, it could put both yourself and your group at risk of a telling off from an angry farmer or from people who don’t appreciate anything about the dogging lifestyle.

As a general rule, if there is sign stating ‘private property’, ‘no trespassing’, a locked gate or fence then you should assume it is private land and dogging activity without permission probably isn’t welcome.

Respect Car Park Rules and Disabled Parking Spots
Car parks have always been popular locations for dogging because they provide enough space and allow people to drive in and out to gauge the activity going on and decide if they want to join in.

However, there are also certain etiquette rules that need to be followed when doing this. Some car parks have designated spaces where people can go at any time while others have set times where they can go during the day or night.

But car parks are used by the general public too and doggers must remember that they are shared spaces and sometimes members of the public like to just sit in their cars and it is unfair if every space in a car park is occupied by doggers, especially disabled spaces.

It’s important to respect other users of the car park and keep an eye out for signs informing you of the opening times, and any charges if applicable. For example, some car parks will only allow you to stay for up to two hours so after that you will have to move your vehicle elsewhere, and if you’re using a disabled parking spot then make sure you are entitled to and are a blue badge holder.

Remember, while most car parks are used by doggers during the evening, they are used by members of the general public and families during the day, often ice cream vans will pitch up there during the summer months so it is important not to leave used condoms, sex toys, and other items associated with dogging for people to find the next morning.

If we all show respect towards each other and clean up after ourselves then we’ll be able to enjoy our dogging experience without inconveniencing other car park users or creating a bad reputation for the dogging community.

Remember Not Everyone Parked Up is a Dogger
Cars parked up in a car park is one of the most common places to find doggers, but not everyone who parks their car up is a dogger. People might park there for a number of reasons, including visiting family or friends nearby, stopping for a rest, enjoying the view or even for something as mundane as going for a walk.

Lorry drivers, although a avid part of the dogging community, must by law, take regular rest breaks and will often be found parked up in laybys popular with doggers. So if you see a lorry driver parked up in a popular dogging layby he might be there seeking some action, equally he might just be trying to get some sleep, so you should always check first.

If you’re looking for some dogging sex in a car park and someone else parks up next to you they might not necessarily be looking to go dogging. It’s always best to try and get their attention, if they are receptive then you should ask politely if they are interested because sometimes people are shy and need to be asked before anything happens. If they ignore you and don’t engage with you, then you should just assume they are not doggers.

If you’ve arrived in a car park and someone’s already there having sex, it doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily looking to go dogging, some people just don’t have anywhere else to have sex, equally it could be that they just want to be observed. So if you pull up alongside their car, even if their windows are tinted or blacked out it can be worth checking first if they’re interested in dogging.

Everyone has their own personal preferences so you shouldn’t assume that everyone parked up at night is dogging. It’s easy to assume though that everyone wants some action because most people who are parked up at a car park known for dogging like dogging sex, but remember that they might just be there taking a rest, or unaware that dogging goes on there.

Now you know the rules and feel more confident you won’t make any dogging faux pas, the only thing left to do it grab yourself a free DoggingBook account and start arranging your first meetup!